枕骨大孔极外侧径路 Foramen magnum far lateral approach
2019/3/15 14:43:20
联合颅中窝经岩尖径路 Combined transpetrosal middle fossa approach
2019/3/15 14:42:22
面舌下神经吻合术 hypoglossal-facial anastomosis
2019/3/15 14:41:14
颅中窝经岩尖至CPA前上 Middle fossa transpetrous apex approach to the anterosuperior CPA
2019/3/15 14:40:19
颅底骨折面神经修复 Fracture of the skull base
2019/3/8 20:56:16
脑脊液漏的修补 CSFleakage
2019/3/8 20:30:02
斜坡外侧径路 Clivus lateral approach
2019/3/8 20:28:56
斜坡前径路 Clivus anterior approach
2019/3/8 20:27:55
岩尖切除术 Petrous apicectomy
2019/3/8 20:26:29
岩尖切开术 Petrous apicotmy
2019/3/8 20:25:26
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